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Arena SUNRISE Large Towel (368TOW404)-Blue

Arena SUNRISE Large Towel (368TOW404)-Blue


Arena SUNRISE Large Towel (368TOW404)-Blue


- arena SS24 SUNRISE Collection – TINT YOUR SUMMER. SUNRISE, the arena Summer featured collection leads you to your fantasyland. arena dedicates you the novelty and is waiting for your exploration. Let the sun colour and shine your life in this summer!

- Made of microfiber material, it has excellent water absorption and quick-drying capabilities.

- Lightweight texture, easy to store and convenient to carry.

- It has a button design on the back, can be used as a shawl.

- Dimensions: 130 cm x 80 cm.

- Hand wash separately from light color clothes in cold water.

- Materials: 100% Microfiber


Arena SUNRISE 吸水快乾毛巾(368TOW404)-藍色


- arena SS24 SUNRISE Collection – TINT YOUR SUMMER。今年arena盛夏主打系列SUNRISE讓你找到屬於自己的獨有色彩。無論配色或剪裁,arena都能給予你煥然一新的感覺。就讓陽光把所有色彩帶進你的生活,幻化成夢幻繽紛的仲夏。

- 以微纖維物料製成,有出色的吸水及快乾功能

- 質地輕巧,容易收納,方便攜帶

- 背面有鈕扣設計,可以作披肩使用

- 呎吋: 130 cm x 80 cm

- 請將毛巾與其他衣物分開以冷水手洗

- 物料:100%微纖維


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